Individual Advocacy
Supporting Victorians with disabilities to access their rights
We provide individual advocacy to adults with disabilities.
DRC provides advocacy support to adults with a disability.
We accept self referrals and referrals from service providers or support people wherever permission from the client has been sought.
If you need support please fill out the Referral form below or give us a call on 9671 3000.
Please note: We can only provide advocacy assistance to people living in Victoria and people who can participate in making decisions.
We cannot offer advocacy to people with disabilities under the age of 18, and we cannot give legal support. We are also unable to help with AAT appeals.

What is individual advocacy?
Disability advocacy is acting, speaking or writing to promote, protect or defend the human rights of people with disabilities.
What does advocacy cost?
Disability advocacy is free of charge.
Interpreters and translation services are also available.
What can advocates help with?
Our Advocates can provide assistance and support on a wide range of issues, for example:
* Accommodation
* Access to premises
* Centrelink
* Disability Services eg home-based support
* Education and employment
* NDIS and DSP
* Transport
If you need an advocate, we would love to help! Please get in touch by completing the form below.
Phone 9671 3000 Monday to Thursday
Contact Form